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Natural Health Wellness

Post-Cast Archives

with Jon David Miller, M.A., M. Div.

holistic educator, natural health wellness pioneer,

 philosopher, human nature researcher and author

The Philosophy of Natural Holism


sponsored by ReallyWell.com

natural health for being really well



January - October


Natural Health Wellness Subjects:

detoxification, nutrients, herbs, super foods, pure water,

relaxation, stress control, health improvement, wellness

Listed by date, beginning with most recent posts.


Your Body Is Mostly Water

Listen (8:25)


Are you consuming enough water? The need for pure, high quality water is universal, but is your water pure enough? It needs purification of contaminants before consumption.

Most of us are dehydrated and toxic, and vulnerable to unfavorable health conditions because of this. The body will work better with more water consumption, the digestive system especially, and toxins will be more thoroughly eliminated.

Water and minerals are essential components of our life processes. If the cells of the body do not receive enough properly structured water, free of toxic chemicals, they will not function properly and may not live long. 

What liquids are you consuming regularly? What is the quality of the water you consume?

Except in the case of pure fruit and vegetable juices and milk, most beverages, soups and many other food products contain added water. Coffee, teas, juices from concentrate, soft drinks, beer, wine, soups, even super food smoothies, are usually made with water.

We need to be concerned about the chemicals and other contaminants in all that we consume. For example, glyphosate has been among the most used agricultural herbicides for years, and nearly everyone has toxic levels of it in the body.

Pesticides, herbicides, industrial wastes, fracking chemicals, pharmaceuticals, micro-plastic dust and radioactive and heavy metals from geo-engineering aerosol fallout, are all common contaminants in both food and water. So are many chemical additives used in food processing, such as aspartame, flavors, colors and preservatives.

Raw tap water is a chemical cocktail that should not be consumed without purification. Chlorine for more than a century, fluoride for over 60 years and other toxic chemical public poisons have been admittedly added by cities to the excess of pollutants already contaminating the water that should not be in our supply for consumption.

Further, our bodies need intake of pure water. The water in other beverages and foods is not as useful for bodily needs as water itself.

However, the water piped into our homes needs corrected to be healthy. It is absolutely essential to purify water with special water purifying system to remove the poisons.

A combination of redox media with carbon and “corrected" reverse osmosis is the most thorough method of purifying for home use. In most cases RO water is more acidic and needs re-mineralized as a “correction” to make it more alkaline.

Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information, and Waterus.com for affordable water purification.

water, fluoride, chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, glyphosate, drugs, pharmaceuticals, reverse osmosis


Eating Well

Listen (6:39)


The long-lived healthy people of the world are almost all slender, with an active lifestyle, even in their older years. They eat mostly fruits and garden fresh vegetables, with modest amounts of animal source foods and grains. They drink natural water, free of added chemicals. They do a lot of walking and many chores around home such as gardening and carrying water.

One of the pillars of good health is eating natural foods. Organically grown whole foods and super foods are the essential selections for eating wisely and building good health.

Our meals should be simple and modest. If you feel "stuffed" after eating, you probably ate far more than needed. Eat when hungry, and as little as possible of good things. Food may be hard to come by at some point. Start training by getting by on less of it. Chewing slowly and thoroughly, the hunger signal is likely to dissipate more rapidly, with less eaten.

60% to 80% of the diet should be alkaline-forming foods, depending on the season. 75% or more should be raw. "There is no such thing as a 'good hot meal'."

I suggest eating primarily fruits, vegetables and sprouts, alkaline forming foods, with seeds and nuts for proteins and fats, while going light on animal source proteins and fats. Minimize grains, legumes, nightshades and especially refined carbohydrates.

If you soak beans, nuts, seeds and grains before consumption, sprouting or fermenting whenever possible, most of the problems of anti-nutrients can be avoided.

Add turmeric and/or cinnamon when appropriate for antioxidants, and a little Himalayan or Celtic salt for minerals. Delicious Greens 8000 super food mix has 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, with a variety of types.

Antioxidants, special nutrient compounds that counter damaging free radicals, are needed daily. An antioxidant donates an available electron to a free radical molecule that is missing one. Otherwise it zings around the body searching for and stealing an electron from body tissues, creating another free radical that does more damage, a usual aspect of degenerative disease.

Deficiency of minerals is common due to chemical agriculture. These building blocks of almost everything are essential to the health of living organisms. Minerals are normally restored to soil with organic farming. Choose organically grown foods whenever possible.

Take advantage of the benefits of probiotics and enzymes for better digestion and metabolism, as well as minerals and super foods. Flax seed can reduce inflammation and soothe the intestines, while providing many important nutrients. We have the best in Northern Edge organic milled flax seed.

Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information, and Waterus.com for affordable water purification.

natural, health, natural health, natural foods, organic, nutrition, nutrients, digestion, enzymes, super foods, herbs, flax seed


Eating Poorly

Listen (7:48)


Do you choose what to eat based on color, flavor, texture, packaging, brand, advertising or for the nutrients and quality of the soil and growing methods?

The promotion of food as commercial products has encouraged eating for taste and pleasure. The understanding of nutrition has been an afterthought for most. Widespread obesity and many other health problems are the clear indicators of this.

How much of the population is stuck in the "balanced meal" notion of meat, potatoes, bread, a cooked vegetable, a small side salad, milk, coffee, soft drink and/or alcohol, and maybe dessert? Most restaurants, banquets and hosted dinners still follow that model.

You are likely to be eating more than you need to eat, especially if the food is not providing the nutrients you need.

Overeating clogs the system, especially the heavier cooked animal proteins and fats. Sugar and refined starches are low-grade, unhealthy products. Food sources should be high quality, organically-grown, minimally cooked, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, with small amounts of meat or eggs if desired.

Milk, cheese and other dairy foods are not suitable for regular human consumption. Cow's milk is for supporting the growth of a half-ton or greater animal. No mammal continues eating nature's baby food as adults, except humans. 

Some combinations of food impair digestion, with less nutrients derived from the food. Proteins and starches are not compatible, so "meat and potatoes" or most sandwiches are not very good. Fruits are best eaten apart from other foods, especially melons, or the juices ferment in your digestive tract.                     

Many of the food items most commonly eaten contain compounds that cause trouble. These include poisons added in growing and processing, as well as naturally-occurring anti-nutrients that may impair digestion and metabolism or foster inflammation.

Organophosphates, organo-chlorines, neo-nicotinoids and sulfoximines are common classes of agricultural chemicals, public poisons in our food supply and environment, and there are still more herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers. Glyphosate weed killer is a toxic load in nearly all of us, used in growing most GMO crops and many others in drying them out for harvest.

The additives to prepared foods: binders, fillers, sweeteners, flavors, enhancers, conditioners, colors, preservatives and more, are not added for health reasons. For example, aspartame artificial sweetener is toxic to the brain, lessening intelligence and clouding thinking.

But most people also follow the programmed mindset of celebrating or consoling themselves with sweet or salty snacks and treats with processed sugars, poor quality oils and chemical additives. 

Food products are commonly not real foods. Almost all the corn and soy in the USA is genetically modified unless it is certified organically grown. Many candies and snacks are partly made of chemicals.

Some of the toxic ingredients to avoid include, corn syrup, especially with high fructose, and dextrose, made from GMO corn; partially hydrogenated (GMO) soy or canola oil; as well as yellow, blue and red color dyes, all derived from petroleum.

What about the methyl benzoate, ethyl methylphenidate and other fake flavors and textures? Then there are the parabens, sodium benzoate, butane-related TBHQ (from petroleum), and other chemical preservatives.

How many hyperactive and dysfunctional children have been affected by these food additives? How much anxiety, nausea, vomiting and dizziness has been triggered? How many allergic reactions, behavioral problems, DNA alterations and cancers have been generated?

Many of the foods we like to eat have anti-nutrients in the crops by nature include acids, enzyme inhibitors and proteins that are not easily digested. They can generate digestive distress, weight problems and inflammation, among other ailments.

Phytic acid is present in grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. It reduces digestive enzyme effectiveness and lessens absorption of key minerals, including iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and copper. Tannins and oxalates are other acid derived nutrient blockers in common foods.

Gluten is a gluey protein in wheat, rye and barley that is very difficult to digest. It also inhibits enzymes and causes many problems in the digestive tract, including leaky gut. Allergies, headaches, joint pain and mental cloudiness are common reactions to gluten. Breads, pizza, pasta, pastries and such are best avoided.

Lectins are generally sticky proteins in legumes, nuts, seeds, grains and nightshades, as well as in meats, eggs and dairy products from grain-fed animals. Lectins do not digest well, and create gas and indigestion. They coat food particles, reducing nutrient absorption, and also stick to, penetrate and erode the intestinal lining, causing leaky gut and many allergies and other health problems. Soybeans, peanuts, tree nuts, eggplant and wheat are especially high in lectins.

Other anti-nutrients include saponins, similar to lectins in sources and effects, solanine in nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant, tobacco), and isoflavones, phytoestrogen compounds found especially in soybeans, that disrupt hormone balance.

Deficient soils, low nutrition crops, processed food products with sugar and additives, applying fire to most foods, overeating, poor food combining, and poor digestion, absorption and assimilation -- no wonder nutritional deficiency and degenerative disease are epidemic.

Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information, and Waterus.com for affordable water purification.


nutrients, anti-nutrients, phytic acid, gluten, lectins, public poisons, digestion, enzymes, natural health, super foods, herbs, flax seed


Pharmaceutical Overload

Listen (8:14)


Nearly 2/3 of the U.S. population is on some type of routine chemical medicines that suppress or redirect symptoms yet do not correct the underlying condition. The cabal of powers-that-be that owns the medical industry has been allowed to have nearly full authority over the health decisions of most people.

Many pharmaceuticals seriously interfere with proper biological functioning. Most are a mix of chemical and biological components that include highly toxic ingredients, especially vaccines, which are nearly all contaminated with heavy metals and other chemicals that poison the body and brain, and often with extraneous organisms.

Most of the population has been convinced to accept the idea of medical vaccination, especially of children and seniors, as both necessary and required. What is the real motive of the annual promotion of childhood vaccinations for school and flu shots for all ages?

This propaganda represents an intentional agenda. The vested interests want to make vaccinations compulsory, which has already been done in California, with other states considering it.

Children are pumped with vaccines from infancy. These often contain both living and dead viruses, some of them genetically altered, plus contaminating viruses and mycoplasma, a form of bacteria without cell walls and not susceptible to antibiotics, as well as toxic chemicals.

Vaccines, flu shots and other medical formulations often have poisonous fluoride in them plus the toxic metals mercury and aluminum. Mind numbing, cancer causing fluoride has also been in most public water supplies in the U.S.A. for over 60 years, and is in many dental products and dental procedures.

Chemical poisons have been included in medicines on purpose for population control and depopulation by lessening intelligence, reducing fertility, creating terrible health problems, such as autism and cancer, and shortening life.

Many of the hundreds of millions of people taking meds are on multiple prescriptions. As these are recycled in our water supply, nearly everyone is affected that way also.

Combining the medicines with the other public poisons, including fluoride and chlorine added to our city water, toxic climate engineering aerosols being sprayed in the atmosphere, genetically modified crops (GMO) with the toxic glyphosate herbicide used with them, excessive radiation still streaming from Fukushima, Japan, and harmful frequencies of cell phones, wi-fi and the new 5G network, all life on our planet is threatened by these overwhelming harmful influences.

Is it any wonder that conditions such as autism, cancer, dementia, MS, Parkinson's and more are now so common?

All this poisoning is part of an agenda developed by the elitist powers that want a less intelligent, health-challenged and ultimately smaller population, while making profits for their tyrannical medical operation. The few at the top of the pyramid of power are so rich that they care more about getting rid of masses, and full control of the remainder, than profit.

We have been brainwashed by deception and fraud for profit and control - the mythology of medical treatment for ailments. The side effects of one med leads to the prescription of another and more poisoning.

The medical industry serves the worlds' elitists by keeping people less smart, distracting them by preoccupation with their health problems, and robbing them of their earnings to pay for what the trained and authorized professional pushers tell them they need.

Our health is really determined by what happens in the cells of the body. If they are deficient in nutrients, stressed and impaired by toxins, they cannot perform properly and health may be poor. If the cells have all that they need to produce energy, and not too much toxins and stress, health is likely to be good.

Key knowledge, detoxification and a natural lifestyle are crucial to better health and intelligence with the depopulation challenges we are facing. Antioxidants, super foods, herbs, essential oils, minerals, other natural nutrients are very valuable.

The keys of natural health are:

1) detoxify the toxins from poor digestion, imbalanced metabolism and public poisons, avoiding exposure as much as possible;

2) nourish the body with life supporting organic foods, super foods, organic milled flaxseed, high quality herbs, antioxidants, alkalization, extra oxygen and pure water;

3) relax stress and tension while cultivating a positive attitude of wellness;

4) exercise with aerobics that moves the lymph fluid and strengthen the heart, as well as fitness training and muscle building.

Routine medication will not make you healthy. Your body does not have a deficiency of any pharma medicine. On the contrary, pharmaceuticals will usually make you less well, less able to be healthy in the future, and more likely to be dead before you would be without them!

In my opinion it is wise to avoid the ill-informed practice of vaccination, as well as the medical treatment of symptoms except in a life-threatening circumstance. Learn to support the immune system instead.

Overcome the blacklisting and suppression of this information by spreading the message.

Please visit SurviveTheChanges.com for details on many of the challenges we are facing and how to be prepared and ReallyWell.com for outstanding holistic natural health information and products.

pharma, medicine, drugs, vaccine, vaccination, flu shot, public poisons,

immunization, viruses, autism, detoxification

Learn more:

Enlightened Doctors Expose Big Pharma:


Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics:


Agnotology in Vaccines:


GMO Vaccines - Herd Contagion:


Suppression of Vaccine Criticism:


New 6 Banger Vaccine:


Dr. William Thompson Confesses CDC Vaccine Fraud:


Ebola Bioweapon:


Flu Vaccine is Most Dangerous:



Holistic Natural Health Knowledge

Listen (9:16)


Although great strides have been made in holistic natural health over the last 40 years, in assessing where we are in the expansion of the knowledge, it is obvious from the growth of degenerative disease, hospitals and pharmacies that many people still have much to learn.

We have been unknowingly exposed to many public poisons most of our lives. Our health is eroded by small doses of toxins from pollution and chemicals used in agriculture, industry, medicine, food, water and household products, as well as electromagnetic frequencies (emf) from cell phones and wifi transmissions and geo-engineering sprays in the air. These are contributing to diminished mental ability and degenerative diseases.

More and more people are coming to understand that this attack is intentional. The cabal of world corporate controllers have an agenda to lower the intelligence, shorten the lives and reduce the numbers of the masses, while feeding the coffers of their medical industry.

It is critically important to learn about what harms us and the natural ways of supporting better health.

A basic maxim of holistic natural health is that there is only one dis-ease, “distress of the organism”. Like a shaky three-legged stool that could easily tip over from imbalance, there are three interrelated aspects of this distress that can undermine health, either individually or more likely collectively. These are toxins, malnutrition and tension.

The concept of “holistic health” was developed in the 1970’s. Great improvement in well-being is achieved in attending to “whole self health“, understanding the effects of diet, pollution and stress as well as mental and emotional states on physical health and vice versa. Better health on every level of our being is the purpose of the holistic approach.

The key principles of holistic natural health are: 1) detoxify the toxins from poor digestion, imbalanced metabolism, unhealthy thinking and public poisons, avoiding exposure as much as possible; 2) nourish the body with life supporting organic foods, super foods and pure water; 3) exercise and tone the body, and 4) relax stress and tension while cultivating a positive attitude of wellness.

These can be pursued on all levels of the whole self, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of both the individual and society.

Detoxification needs to occur on the mental, emotional and etheric-spiritual levels as well as in the physical body. Similarly, nourishment is essential for all aspects of our nature to have a long well life. In addition to organic, mostly raw natural foods, a healthy attitude, creativity and good thoughts, such as loving kindness, are important.

Organically grown natural foods rich in antioxidants and enzymes are the essential selections for eating wisely and building good health. Especially valuable choices are seeds, sprouts and a combination of fresh produce items, ideally from one’s own garden. GMO and highly processed food products harm health and engender disease.

Organically grown seeds, such as amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, alfalfa, beans, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and milled flaxseed are very valuable “embryonic foods. Probiotics and other support for the immune system and pure water are important as well.

Minerals are essential to the health of living organisms. Deficiency of minerals is common due to chemical agriculture. Minerals are normally restored to soil with organic farming. Choose organically grown food whenever possible.

Growing food for your household is wise, especially organically grown plants from non GMO, heirloom seeds. Plan your garden and obtain heirloom seeds and the soil building materials to grow good food. Meanwhile, you can grow sprouts, lettuce and other crops indoors, or in a cold frame or a greenhouse, even in the winter.

Super foods like organic milled flax seed, flower pollen extract and Delicious Greens 8000 offer a great variety of minerals and other needed nutrients in easily utilized food form. North Atlantic kelp is an excellent source of trace minerals, including iodine that is essential for the thyroid and the immune system.

Each of us needs to learn as much as we can about natural health and to gather the supplies to do so. Form a mutual support group to help each other with gardening, preparing foods for storage and other aspects of self-sustenance and survival.

At the same time, relaxing both tension and the concern for what stresses us leads to a calmer approach to life.

A review of past problems and traumas can be done with an attitude of acceptance of reality, forgiveness, learning and gratitude for improvement. This helps us move on to new experiences with less impairment from recycling our past disturbances.

Walking, hiking and biking outdoors, especially in nature, is holistic exercise that has mental, emotional and spiritual benefits. Yoga and other forms of contemplative exercise are beneficial as well.

The real self is the center of our awareness and the individual agent of our holistic natural wisdom. That wisdom is enhanced by shared knowledge and experience. One’s true self can be the guide for the process of life improvement.

Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding holistic natural health information and products, and Waterus.com for affordable water purification.

holistic, natural, health, problems, self, relax, detoxify, nourishment,

public poisons, nutrients, super foods


Preparing For Life Changes with Superior Nutrition Food

Listen (7:24)


It is harvest time, and summer is fading into Fall. It is wise to stock up food for the winter like the farmers do. Food is running short and prices are expected to soar in the coming months, making it difficult for most folks to maintain normal food purchases.

There is a drastic reduction in this year's farm crop harvests due to soil erosion, equipment losses and inability to plant for many farmers due to historic flooding in the Midwest. Even worse, a vast amount of stored crops held in barns and silos in hope of better prices plus millions of livestock animals were wiped out as well.

Drought, burn out, excessive rain, insufficient sunlight, pests and loss of pollinating bees are other reasons for lesser harvests. Many smaller farmers are following the tens of thousands of others like them that over the last five decades have abandoned farming due to financial hardship.

Today's lifestyle is dependent on routine delivery systems that could easily be disrupted. This is actually likely to occur before long.

Earth changes are in progress, with intense earthquakes, wildfires, storms, floods, lightning, tornadoes, volcanic activity, sinkholes, meteor fireballs and unusual temperature variations.

Such earth disturbances are far beyond the "climate change" that social engineers blame on carbon emissions from human activity. The real issues concern effects on the sun and planets due to cyclic changes in their position in the galaxy relative to other objects or frequencies, as well as weather manipulation.

These greater immediate threats to our current lifestyle are not discussed in the controlled media to prevent panic. Have you noticed what natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes can do?

These earth change events can destroy property, interfere with food production, damage infrastructure, close roads and prevent delivery of supplies. Also, economic collapse, a power outage or war could suddenly shut down farming and the supply chain sooner than would the Grand Solar Minimum we are already experiencing.

More than that, a massive volcanic eruption or an anticipated pole shift could stop nearly all global food production with an instant temporary ice age.

Everyone should have extra food and other critical supplies on hand, enough for several months to a year or more. This is quietly advocated by many in the know, including whistle blowers from official agencies.

It has become all the more important to focus on foods that deliver maximum nutritional value to sustain good health in hard times.

The real purpose of eating is to provide the nutrition your cells and organs need to function.  Nutrient-rich super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seedDelicious Greens 8000, flower pollen extract, organic spirulina and turmeric, are superior choices for having on hand. The array of essential nutrients in these foods includes proteins, fatty acids, enzymes, pigments, antioxidants and other rare phyto-nutrient compounds, as well as vitamins and minerals, all very important to be added to the diet to strengthen and maintain health.

For over 40 years I have been aware of the need for preparing to survive the changes, and offering healthy organic natural foods. I am the primary distributor of Northern Edge flax in the USA, with low prices on this and several other superior super food products.

Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information, and Waterus.com for affordable water purification.


Format Change

NOTE: My radio blog programs earlier than September, 2019, were recorded at BlogTalkRadio. After almost 8 years of using that format, it was time to move on. I am now posting my own recordings.

In accordance with their policy, I have reduced my recorded archives at BlogTalkRadio to 30 hours of the most popular programs.

To listen on your computer or mobile device try clicking on any title below or in earlier archives. However, many of the show links will not connect to a recording now. Instead, you can select from the list at http://blogtalkradio.com/naturaljon.

New blogs will continue to be posted here at this site. Thank you, Jon



Stock Up On Good Food


Global crop losses this season are astounding. Vast fields of crops were blocked from planting or ruined by severe weather, floods and fires. It is critical to have food on hand to last at least six months in case of a shortage.

There are several potential ways that disruptions could interfere with the food supply. Solar changes and weather manipulation are causing storms, drought and other devastation on the planet. A lengthy power outage could stop the food distrbution system.

It is important to work with friends and relatives to prepare for the crisis in food availability that is already developing. Each of us needs to learn as much as we can about how to provide our own food, and about self health care and other survival skills.

Save food and viable seeds for the future, while researching and applying permaculture concepts in gardening. A food dehydrator is the best way of preserving large quantities of food with good nutritional value.

Summer’s end through early Fall is harvest time in the northern hemisphere. If you have a garden or shop at a farmer’s market, you have probably been enjoying fresh local vegetables and fruits.

Is what you are getting “organically grown”? We want to avoid the agricultural public poisons, such as glyphosate and genetically modified crops. However, it would likely take a protected indoor growing environment to avoid the blow over sprays and the geo-engineering aerosols that contaminate even organically grown crops.

Most important, though, are the minerals. Deficiency of minerals is common due to chemical agriculture. Minerals are normally restored to soil with organic farming.

The quantity, quality, variety and balance of minerals, microbes and worms in the soil our food grows in, have a great bearing on our health and longevity. Good soil enhanced with well-composted matter, minerals, correct pH and a vital biome result in healthy organic produce. Kelp sea vegetation and wood ashes are good sources of organic minerals, even better is “Biochar”.

Plan your indoor and outdoor gardens now, and obtain heirloom seeds and the soil building materials to grow good food. You can grow sprouts, lettuce and other crops indoors, or in a cold frame or a greenhouse until the outdoor temp is suitable again.

Fresh organically grown vegetables, herbs and other natural foods and super foods rich in minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and other phytonutrient compounds are the essential selections for eating wisely and building good health.

Survival may depend on our skills of growing and preserving food, accessing and purifying water, and cooperative preparedness in a community support system.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, flower pollen extract, organic spirulina, turmeric and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet to strengthen and maintain health. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products, and SurviveTheChanges.com for prep information.

garden, natural foods, organic, minerals, vegetables, seeds, soil, compost, permaculture, preparedness, super foods


Are They Bugging You?


Mosquitoes, bed bugs, fleas and ticks are among the obnoxious bugs that bite us to get blood for their nourishment. Biting bugs can carry diseases. Lyme disease is one nasty condition from bites by contaminated ticks. There are other serious bug-borne infections as well.

Mosquitoes, fleas and bed bugs are insects leaving itchy bite sites, while ticks are arachnids, related to spiders. Be aware of zones where a presence of these threatening attackers may be likely and watch for signs of them.

Now scientists are experimenting with genetic modification of mosquitoes, as well as delivery of vaccines by mosquito bite. Considering that vaccines are already contaminated with other germs and toxic chemicals, what mixture of harm will these GMO mosquitoes deliver?

Lyme disease and other infections from being bitten by a contaminated tick have been increasing each summer. In North America, the bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii are the agents of Lyme disease. In Europe and Asia, Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii are ones causing it.

There are several varieties of both hard and soft ticks. Lyme disease, named for Old Lyme, Connecticut, where it was first detected, is usually from an infected deer tick, a species of the hard type. (Old Lyme is just across Long Island Sound from Plum Island, where there was a biological weapons lab, now closed.)

Hard ticks tend to set up shop and feed for hours unless detected and removed. Contamination of the victim commonly occurs toward the end of the process.

With soft ticks, feeding is shorter, perhaps an hour, but they may infect their host right at the start. Soft ticks are more likely to carry other disease agents rather than the Lyme bacteria.

Walking through tall grass and weeds or in the woods are the likely places to pick up ticks, so minimize skin exposure when out in nature. Ticks can be very small and hard to notice. Look for them in the creases and crevices of the body.

A tick emits a neurotoxin that numbs your local nerves so it can extend its mouth parts into your skin without your feeling the bite, and it is not immediately itchy. As the tick draws blood it swells and grows in size.

A tick bite may show as a small red bump, or there may be a reaction, with a red area of 1 or 2 inches diameter around the bite. If the redness grows into a rash from there, that is an indication of some type of infection. It may take several days for a rash to develop. Other symptoms can be aches and pain, fever and chills, and tiredness. Joint pain is common with Lyme disease.

There are other tick-borne ailments than Lyme, such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Tularemia or Ehrlichiosis. Medical attention is warranted if there is any sign of disease unfolding.

It is very important to remove a tick as soon as possible, yet very carefully to avoid breaking off a piece of their mouth apparatus and leaving it imbedded. That would increase the likelihood of infection.

Apply tweezers around the mouth of the tick with pressure against the skin and firmly grasp the tick's head and mouth area without crushing it. Draw it out slowly and smoothly without jerking or twisting it. Try to remove the entire tick. Wash the bite area with soap and water, then apply alcohol.

Have first aid available nearby for any bites from these bug pests or other summer problems, including natural antiseptics and dressings for bites, cuts, scrapes and burns.

Essential oils can be used as insect repellent, antiseptic, help for the immune system, relief from inflammation, and for other concerns. Oils from herbs and flowers contain potent phyto-chemicals that provide natural protections and remedies for some bothersome health issues.

Good natural bug repellents include clove oil, cedarwood oil and citronella oil. Clove, peppermint and oregano oils have antiseptic qualities.

There are pet products to repel bugs and help keep pets from infection or bringing bugs into your home. An infestation of fleas or ticks is a picnic for them, but not for you!

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information, and Waterus.com for pure water fit to drink.










bugs, insects, mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, tick bite, Lyme disease


You Are Mostly Water


The physical body is a moving bag of mineral water. We are approximately 70% water, and the rest is made up of minerals and gases in various combinations. Are you consuming enough water?

The need for pure, high quality water is universal, but it needs purification of contaminants before consumption. Is your water pure enough?

Most of us are dehydrated and toxic, and vulnerable to unfavorable health conditions because of this. The body will work better with more water consumption, the digestive system especially, and toxins will be more thoroughly eliminated.

If the cells of the body do not receive enough properly structured water, free of toxic chemicals, they will not function properly and may not live long. Water and minerals are essential components of our life processes.

What liquids are you consuming regularly? It is suggested we drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. What is the quality of the water you consume?

Except in the case of pure fruit and vegetable juices and milk, most beverages and soups have added water. Coffee, teas, juices from concentrate, soft drinks, beer, wine, soups, even super food smoothies, are usually made with water.

Water pollution sources include agriculture, industry, medical waste and many more. We need to be concerned about the chemicals and other contaminants in all that we consume.

Pesticides, herbicides, industrial wastes, fracking chemicals, pharmaceuticals, micro-plastic dust and radioactive and heavy metals from geo-engineering aerosol fallout, are all common contaminants in water as well as food. So are many chemical additives used in food processing, such as aspartame, flavors, colors and preservatives.

Raw tap water is a chemical cocktail that should not be consumed without purification. For many decades, chlorine, fluoride and other toxic chemical public poisons have been admittedly added by cities to the excess of pollutants already contaminating the water that should not be in our water supply for consumption. Glyphosate has been among the most used agricultural herbicides for years, and nearly everyone has toxic levels of it in the body.

Our bodies need more pure water. The water in other beverages and foods is not as useful for bodily needs as water itself.

However, the water piped into our homes needs corrected to be healthy. It is crucially important to purify water with a good water purifying system to remove the poisons.

A combination of redox media with carbon and “corrected" reverse osmosis is the most thorough method of purifying for home use. The water can be re-mineralized if needed to make it more alkaline.

Redox and carbon with a special fluoride removing media is also very good, often more practical, and less expensive. This is even better when combined with Ultrafiltration.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information, and Waterus.com for pure water fit to drink.

water, fluoride, chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, glyphosate, drugs, pharmaceuticals, reverse osmosis


Development of Degenerative Disease


You or someone you know has a degenerative disease. Such illness does not come out of the blue. Ignorance of common exposure to toxic agents and lack of understanding adequate nutrition are the primary reasons for most illness. There are multiple dangers to health in our lives that are not recognized by most as threats.

Arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, irritable bowel, infection, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, dementia (Alzheimer’s), etc. are all forms of the one underlying disease - distress of the organism. Tension, toxins, and poor nutrition cause this distress.

To be healthy in unhealthy times depends on learning and pursuing good natural health practices, which we were not taught in school nor by our caregivers. The social planning think tanks have intended for us to be ignorant of public poisons, EMF harm and real nutrition, and set us up for recurrent stress.

Why? For multiple reasons, including mainly reduced population, lessened average intelligence, social engineering and medical industry profits.

Toxic chemicals are in vaccines, medicines, public water supplies, most beverages, commercial food products, home furnishings and many other household products. Some are brain poisons, including fluoride, aluminum, mercury and aspartame. These also contribute to degenerative disease such as cancer.

Atmospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering and Solar Radiation Management are the formal names for spraying chemicals in our skies since at least the mid 1990‘s. Weather modification is a major purpose, but the aluminum, barium and other agents are poisoning the populace.

The electromagnetic frequencies (EMF‘s) from cell phones, cordless phones, wi-fi, smart meters and more are constantly stressing us, undermining health.

Preventing disease and inflammation is a process of relaxing distress. Calming stress, avoiding toxins and detoxifying, and pursuing life-supporting nutrition and good sleep will help prevent any of these forms of ill health. Relax, detoxify, nourish and exercise, all with a positive attitude -- that is the natural health process.

Good health includes a diet of truly natural foods, such as a combination of fresh produce, ideally from one’s own garden. The digestive system may need help with cleansing and to function correctly.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information.

degenerative disease, arthritis, irritable bowel, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, natural health, nutrients, public poisons, super foods


Health Recovery


Living in a stressful polluted environment with the inadequate provision of nutrients the common diet supplies, no wonder so many have deteriorating health. The body is a marvelous psycho-biological system, but it eventually falters without proper care. Health recovery requires learning about the body and holistic natural methods of self care.

Being toxic was considered the real disease by early natural health practitioners, which included the stress chemistry of adrenal hormones evoked by negative emotions, as well as junk food toxins and the growing list of other public poisons, greatly increasing the incidence of health problems. 

"Distress of the organism" is the term I use for the one dis-ease resulting from toxicity, tension and malnutrition that make us vulnerable to illness.

IQ is estimated to have diminished by 10 to 20 points since the 1960‘s, fertility is a growing issue, health problems are increasing and average lifespan is now shortening. Digestive disorders, heart and circulatory problems, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, dementia, and so on, effect more and more people.

Our health is determined by our attitude and what happens in the cells of the body. If you are calm and your cells have all that they need to produce energy without excessive toxins, health will be good. However, the oppositional stress of manipulated living and the common commercial diet are not healthy.

The epidemic of degenerative diseases is due to distress, poor nutrition, public poisons, EMFs, and intended ignorance about all of this. To be healthy in unhealthy times depends on learning and pursuing good natural health practices.

The natural nutrients in good foods are in the ideal form for the body to digest, absorb, assimilate and utilize. However, mineral deficiency is common due to chemical agriculture and processed food products that do not have full nutrition to offer. This is a major factor in health problems.

The resolution of illness is found in the "holistic natural health principles": detoxification, life supporting nutrition, exercise and relaxation, including both good sleep and spiritual contemplation. These four principles, detoxify, nourish, exercise, relax, are the legs of a "stable table" of good health.

Detoxification is crucial to be healthy. The cells of the body need removal of toxins. A periodic weekend cleanse utilizing detoxifying agents, lymph movement and perspiration, with light eating, juicing or fasting, is helpful at lessening the load. A few of those plus a longer annual detox of a week or a month would be ideal.

Good fiber such as found in organic milled flax seed is valuable for colon cleansing. Peristaltic herbs may be used to move things along. Pure water, increased oxygen, and restoration of beneficial probiotic bacteria are important. Other aspects of the process include flushing the gall bladder, liver cleansing and exercise.

Proper nutrients in organic compounds from good foods grown on mineral rich soils and from effective supplements, are absolutely essential for the proper functioning of living organisms.

Every cell is a factory producing energy to do its other tasks, if it has all the nutrients it requires to accomplish the whole process, and is not damaged by free radical toxins.

Organically-grown produce is most desirable. It needs to be raised properly in soil that is refurbished with mineral-rich materials in a good balance and pH for healthy plant growth. Further, the organic field must be far enough from chemical agricultural fields and other sources of pollution to avoid blow-over of sprays, fallout of airborne poisons or contamination of the water supply.

Eating a variety of foods to get the whole range of needed nutrients is important. Still, extra nutrition is needed with the stress and pollution levels of our time, especially support for the immune system and organs that may have been weakened.

Most commercial vitamin supplements are synthetic or crystalline in form. When a nutrient is extracted from its natural context or created with chemicals in a lab, it has no life. There are no synergistic elements, no accompanying mineral compounds, no enzymes that catalyze metabolic activities. Food-based vitamins and food-form minerals are better utilized.

Consuming a variety of organically grown and wild super foods and herbs rich in certain beneficial nutrients will provide natural trace minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, pigments and other phytonutrients that are missing from most diet choices, yet crucially needed for restoring health and slowing the aging process.

If you have the opportunity to grow your own food, building soil rich in organic matter, minerals, healthy soil microbes and humic acids, is the key to great success and the benefits of an abundance of good food.

Each of us needs to learn as much as we can about good natural health and holistic wellness and to gather the supplies to do so. Form a mutual support group to help each other with gardening, preparing foods for storage and other aspects of self-sustenance and survival.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, flower pollen extract, organic spirulina, turmeric and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet to strengthen and maintain health. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information.

 holistic, natural, health, natural health, disease, wellness, public poisons, detoxification,

nutrition, nutrients, super foods


Pharma Fraud


At lunch with a dozen former classmates a while back, I was the only one not taking any pharma medicine. Nearly 2/3 of the U.S. population is on some type of routine chemical meds that suppress or redirect symptoms yet do not correct the underlying condition.

Rather, many pharmaceuticals seriously interfere with proper biological functioning. Most are a mix of chemical and biological components that include highly toxic ingredients, especially vaccines, which are contaminated with heavy metals and other chemicals that poison the body and brain.

Most of the population has been convinced to accept the idea of medical immunization, especially of children, as both necessary and required. What is the real motive of the annual promotion of childhood vaccinations for school and flu shots for all ages?

This propaganda represents an intentional agenda. The cabal of powers-that-be want to make vaccinations compulsory, which have been engineered on purpose for population reduction.

Children are pumped with vaccines from infancy, which often contain both living and dead viruses, some of them genetically altered, as well as toxic chemicals. These formulations usually have poisonous fluoride in them plus the toxic metals mercury and aluminum, chemical poisons that can lessen intelligence, reduce fertility, create terrible health problems like autism and shorten life.

Many of the hundreds of millions of people taking meds are on multiple prescriptions. As these are recycled in our water supply, nearly everyone is effected. These poisons create many more health problems and lower intelligence.

Combining the medicines with the other public poisons, including fluoride and chlorine added to our city water, toxic climate engineering aerosols being sprayed in the atmosphere, genetically modified crops (GMO) with the toxic glyphosate herbicide used with them, excessive radiation still streaming from Fukushima, Japan, and harmful frequencies of cell phones, wi-fi and the new 5G network, all life on our planet is threatened by these overwhelming harmful influences.

Is it any wonder that conditions such as autism, cancer, dementia, MS, Parkinson's and more are now so common?

We have been brainwashed by fraud, a mythology of medical treatment for ailments. The side effects of one med leads to the prescription of another and more poisoning, That serves the worlds' elitists by keeping people less smart, distracting them by preoccupation with their health problems, and robbing them of their earnings to pay for what the trained and authorized professional pushers tell them they need.

Our health is really determined by what happens in the cells of the body. If they are deficient in nutrients, stressed and impaired by toxins, they cannot perform properly and health may be poor. If the cells have all that they need to produce energy, and not too much toxins and stress, health is likely to be good.

    The keys of natural health are:

1) detoxify the toxins from poor digestion, imbalanced metabolism and public poisons, avoiding exposure as much as possible;

2) nourish the body with life supporting organic foods, super foods, organic milled flaxseed, high quality herbs, antioxidants, alkalization, extra oxygen and pure water;

3) relax stress and tension while cultivating a positive attitude of wellness;

4) exercise with aerobics that moves the lymph fluid and strengthen the heart, as well as fitness training.

Routine pharma meds will not make you healthy. On the contrary, they will make you less well, less able to be healthy in the future, and more likely to be dead before you would be without them! Overcome the blacklisting and suppression of this information by spreading the message.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, flower pollen extract, organic spirulina, turmeric and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet to strengthen and maintain health. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information. 

pharma, medicine, drugs, vaccine, vaccination, flu shot, public poisons, wi-fi, 5G


Eating for Survival


Conventional thinking focuses on the “balanced diet” food groups of proteins (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, beans, peas), dairy, grains, fruits and vegetables. Few people have been well taught in their upbringing about even this degree of consideration about what to eat.

Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, pigments, phytonutrients and antioxidants are given minimal attention. Is it assumed that all these will be present in commercial food products at the supermarket or produce grown on chemically treated farms? Even the fruits and vegetables in stores rarely contain adequate quantities of these needed nutrients.

Chemical crops, GMOs and highly processed food products are deficient in minerals and contain toxins. These foods harm health and engender disease. 

Minerals, building blocks of almost everything essential to the health of living organisms, are normally restored to soil with organic farming.

Organically grown whole natural foods and super foods are essential selections for eating wisely and building good natural health. Especially valuable choices are seeds, sprouts and a combination of fresh produce items, ideally from one’s own garden.

If you have the opportunity, growing your own food for your household is wise. Building rich, healthy soil and good watering are the keys to great success and benefits in growing healthy organically grown plants from non GMO, heirloom seeds.

Organically grown seeds, such as amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, alfalfa seeds, beans, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and milled flaxseed are very valuable “embryonic foods”, as are eggs. I do not eat meat, but I do eat eggs for their protein and other good nutrients. You might consider setting up a chicken coop. Many cities will allow the keeping of a few hens.

Each of us needs to learn as much as we can about self health care and how to provide our own food. It is important to work with friends and relatives to prepare for the crisis in food availability that is developing.

Global crops losses this year are astounding, as solar changes and weather manipulation are causing storms and devastation on the planet. It is critical to have food on hand to last at least six months. 

It is urgent to take action and prepare your plans and resources to be healthy and survive in challenging times.

Plan your garden now and obtain heirloom seeds and the soil building materials to grow good food. Meanwhile, you can grow sprouts, lettuce and other crops indoors, or in a cold frame or a greenhouse until the outdoor temp is suitable.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, flower pollen extract, organic spirulina, turmeric and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet to strengthen and maintain health. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information. 

natural, health, nutrition, natural foods, minerals, super foods, antioxidants, green foods, herbs, garden


Summertime Health Problems


Summertime fun can be accompanied by health problems including: sunburn, eye strain, overheating, dehydration, allergies, poison ivy, bug bites, stings, pricks, scrapes, cuts, burns, animal bites and even broken bones.

The sun is extra hot right now, with more UV rays than normal, including UV-C coming through, which is more damaging than UV-A and UV-B. Skin exposure should be minimized by wearing light clothing, a hat and sunglasses when outdoors during the day, staying in shade as much as possible.

Sunscreen is not a good solution. Most commercial sunscreen products are not healthy to put on the skin.


Toxic Sunscreens:





UV-C is particularly harmful to eyes. It is wise to wear high quality sun shade glasses when outside in the sun, even on hazy days as the UV-C comes through the clouds.

Dehydration is a common problem anytime, but especially when out in the heat of the day and perspiring. Overheating takes its tuck on your energy and may make you lightheaded. Stop activities periodically to cool down and drink some pure water.

Mosquitoes, ticks and fleas are among the obnoxious insects that bite us to get blood for their nourishment. Biting and stinging insects and other animals can carry diseases. Lyme disease is a nasty condition from bites by contaminated ticks. Now they are experimenting with genetic modification of mosquitoes, as well as with delivery of vaccine by mosquito bite.

A number of people are allergic to stinging insects, which can be life threatening for some. Be aware of zones where a presence of these threatening attackers may be likely and watch for signs of them.

Have first aid available nearby for any of the summer problems, including natural antiseptics and dressings for cuts, scrapes, burns and bites.

Essential oils from herbs and flowers provide simple natural protections and remedies for some bothersome health issues. Herbal oils carry potent phyto-chemicals that effect us in certain ways, depending on the herb. Essential oils are most effective when in their authentic, natural state, organically grown or wild.

Oils can be used as insect repellent, antiseptic, help for the immune system, relief from inflammation, and for other concerns. Good natural bug repellents include clove oil, cedarwood oil,  and citronella oil.


Insect Repellent Plants:





As pollens are released in late summer and fall, allergic reactions ramp up for many people. Some of this can be minimized with a house cleaning of the body to reduce yeast and fungal overgrowth.

Most of us are allergic to poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. They contain an oil called urushiol. The itchy, somewhat painful rash that can develop by touching this toxic oil is not fun.

However, the oil can be on anything that touches the plant, including clothing, equipment and pets, so great care is needed. Wearing work gloves and full coverage garments is wise when working in the yard if any of these plants is present.

“Leaves of three, let it be.” This old folk wisdom suggests that avoidance of poison ivy and poison oak is the first defense.

If needed, simple natural protections and remedies are available for dealing with these bothersome plants.

If you think you have been exposed to poison ivy, wash the area of the skin with a drying soap, and flush with cold water to close the pores. Then dabbing with rubbing alcohol will break up the urushiol and prevent it from penetrating.

The rash may not appear for 12 to 72 hours after exposure. Cold compresses can be applied until any blisters come to a head.

Oatmeal, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, witch hazel, turmeric, banana peel, watermelon rind, cucumber, green tomato juice, raw potato, cold coffee, Himalayan salt, epsom salts and bentonite clay are all home remedies that can soothe and relieve the irritation. Jewelweed, plantain, comfrey and burdock root are helpful herbs that may be found in your yard.

A paste or poultice can be made with some of these items and applied to the rash. It is suggested to keep the eruption area dry for the rash to dissipate sooner. Some people have had good results with using apple cider vinegar repeatedly, allowing each application to dry.

Many people get accelerated improvement with a homeopathic remedy for poison ivy. Others find topical essential oils helpful, such as lavendar oil, which helps clean the pores of the skin, or tea tree oil. Even peppermint oil can help bring relief. You can dilute these in a carrier oil, such as coconut oil. (NOTE: Some essential oils, including mint, can nullify effectiveness of some homeopathic remedies.)

It is especially important not to burn poisonous plants. Breathing the fumes of the oil can give one a very serious case. So avoid touching these plants, but if you do, consider natural alternatives instead of or in addition to chemical remedies.


Identify Poison Ivy:



Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, flower pollen extract, organic spirulina and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet to strengthen and maintain health. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information. 

summer, sunburn, dehydration, ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, stings, bug repellent, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac,

essential oils, remedies, herbs, poultice


Is Your Home Causing Degenerative Disease?


To be healthy in unhealthy times depends on learning and pursuing good natural health practices. The epidemic of degenerative diseases is due to poor nutrition, public poisons, stress, EMFs, and intended ignorance.

Arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, infection, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, dementia (Alzheimer’s), etc. are all forms of the one real disease -- distress of the organism. Tension, toxins, and poor nutrition cause this distress.

The electromagnetic frequencies (EMF‘s) from cell phones, cordless phones, wi-fi, smart meters and more are also constantly stressing us, undermining health.

There are multiple dangers to health in most homes that are not recognized as threats. Ignorance of common exposure to toxic agents and lack of understanding adequate nutrition are the primary reasons for most illness. What considerations are needed to make your home healthier?

Natural health practices, a positive attitude, good sleep and nutritious supplements help maintain crucial organs impaired by toxins and stress. Routine exercise and periodic detoxification are also essential for good health. It is urgent to draw on these resources to get as healthy as possible.

Preventing disease and inflammation is a process of easing distress and providing what the body needs. Avoiding toxins and detoxifying, pursuing life-supporting nutrition, exercising and calming stress, will help prevent any of these forms of ill health. Detoxify, nourish, exercise and relax -- those are the principles of the natural health process.

Our health is determined by what happens in the cells of the body. If they have all that they need to produce energy, and not too much toxins, stress, and emf harm, health will be good.

We have been unknowingly exposed to public poisons that have been harming us for years. They are in food, water and even the air, primarily from geo-engineering aerosol sprays loaded with chemical and biological agents. Many toxins are also in home furnishings and household products. These poisons gradually accumulate and contribute to diminished mental ability and a variety of degenerative diseases.

If the officials were really concerned about our health, they would at least let us know about all these poisons if not preventing them. We deserve to know what harms us and what helps us so that we can protect ourselves as well as we can.

Good health includes a diet of truly natural foods, such as a combination of fresh produce, ideally from one’s own garden. The digestive system may need help with cleansing and to function correctly.

It is essential to avoid toxic food and support the body with outstanding nourishment, including phytonutrients from super foods, antioxidants. Clear the home of poisons and harmful frequencies as much as possible. Other healthy practices include avoiding outdoor shoes in the house and turning off wi-fi and cell phones at night.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, flower pollen extract, organic spirulina and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet to strengthen and maintain health. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information. 

degenerative disease, arthritis, irritable bowel, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, natural health, public poisons, geo-engineering, super foods


Herbs for Natural Health Support


Herbs have helped people improve health for millennia. Herbal products, including proven combinations, have been used for thousands of years for cleansing, nutrition and correction of health problems.

By contrast, synthetic chemical formulations have been in use as medicines and nutritional supplements for only the last couple centuries. 

In fact, some common synthetic medicines of today began as extracts from popular herbs. Examples are valium, derived from valerian root, and aspirin originally taken from white willow bark.

The accepted scientific method of using medical drugs may not be the best possible way of correction of health problems, as there are often serious side effects. The list of warnings on many medicines is quite long.

Drug interactions can be deadly. Medical mistakes are one of the leading causes of death.

People get ill due to toxins, nutrient deficiency and stress. Most of us are lacking certain minerals, enzymes or other essential nutrients. Illness is not from a deficiency of a chemical medicine.

Despite the concerns of detractors who claim herbs have not been "tested", there is a huge background of experience in using natural plants for herbal nutrition and as medicinal herbs. Traditional uses of herbs and and herbal formulas are based on many generations of experience in various cultures.

The high cost of "scientific" testing is prohibitive for plants and extracts that are not patentable. Without a patent, a company will not be able to charge a high price for an exclusive item, as with patented pharmaceuticals.

Even so, there is much research going on with herbal supplements today. Effective compounds are being found in plants that have tremendous benefits for health and well-being.

Herbs may be harvested in the wild or cultivated. Sometimes an individual herb may be used for a specific purpose, but usually an herbal formula of synergistic herbs will be more effective.  

Many plants are nutritional and can be incorporated in the diet regularly. Examples are edible algae like spirulina, cereal grasses (barley grass and wheat grass), alfalfa, kelp, parsley, mint, and of course, the common vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, etc.

Some medicinal herbs should be used only temporarily for healing. Too much of something helpful in the short term could overload body organs and systems in the long run.

What conditions an herb or herbal formula will help with, and what the effects might be, may vary from person to person depending on body chemistry and the health issue involved.  A person may have some herbs that will be of great benefit and others that may not help much.

Kinesiology (muscle testing) is an established method of determining whether an herbal nutrition product will be helpful or not.

There are often added unexpected benefits of taking herbs for health, as other organs and systems may be simultaneously aided.

Herbs and nutritional plants vary in value depending on where and how they are grown, as well as the methods of harvesting, drying, storage, preparation and packaging of products. 

It is best to choose wild-crafted and organically-grown herb products prepared by a company committed to excellence in all phases of production.

I have selected herbal products, nutritional supplements and other wellness items for your consideration based on more than 40 years in the natural health field.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, flower pollen extract, organic spirulina and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet to strengthen and maintain health. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information.

herbs, herbal formula, natural, health, supplements, medicine, minerals, enzymes


Bad Vibes from EMF Fields


We are swimming in an electronic sea of ElectroMagnetic Frequencies (EMF) from Wi-Fi, cell phones and other electronic devices. The modern day electronic conveniences our population has become dependent on are harming health, reducing intelligence and shortening life.

Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and radiation (EMR), especially microwaves, emitted from cell phones, PDA's, Bluetooth headsets, cordless phones, computers, smart meters and other devices and appliances, are known to disturb one's energy field, compromising health and well-being. Exposure has been linked to various stress-related ailments. We are subjecting ourselves to these external stressors day in and day out.

Prolonged and repeated exposure to the aggressive bad vibes of electromagnetic pollution causes a measurable stress response, a negative shift in energy in the human bio-field. Additional studies have linked EMF and EMR to health concerns like fatigue and tension, as well as potentially much more dangerous conditions, including damage to DNA and brain tumors.

A cell phone also generates heat. Holding one up to the side of the head for more than a few seconds, starts to heat brain tissue. Many brain tumors are on the side of the head where a cell phone was held routinely.

All of us are being effected by the transmission of wi-fi and cell phone frequencies now that almost everyone is using them. With the roll-out of the 5G technology, much more harmful frequencies will be generated, and there will be antennae every few houses down the block. These same waves have been used for crowd control and can effect thoughts and emotions.

Wi-fi radiation and electromagnetic frequencies from cell phones, wi-fi, smart meters, etc., are harming us and our pets, and may also be contributing to the loss of bees, needed pollinators for growing many crops.

Worse, these technologies are being used for comprehensive surveillance and mind control, while serving the control and depopulation agenda to foster illness, apathy, stress, mental disorders and early death.

A cell phone or cordless phone should really not be one's primary phone, and certainly not kept near the body for lengthy periods while turned on, such as carrying one in your pocket. Keep your landline if you have one. Put a metal sheild between a smart digital utility meter and the house if possible, or have it restored to the dial type.

We have available special protective technology at ReallyWell.com that you can apply to your cell phones, computers and other devices and appliances to neutralize the harmful EMF fields.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, flower pollen extract, organic spirulina and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet to strengthen and maintain health. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information.

cell phones, wi-fi, electromagnetic, frequencies, EMF, EMR, microwaves, radiation, smart meters, 5 G


Chemicals in the Air


We are walking test tubes, an experiment in chemistry and nanotechnology that is effecting our health and could determine our thoughts. The air we breathe is a mode of delivering public poisons to us that we cannot easily avoid.

"Atmospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering", "Solar Radiation Management" and " Stratospheric Aerosol Injection" are the formal names for spraying chemicals in our skies, done since at least the mid 1990‘s. The main purpose has been creation of an artificial sky for the cabal's technological control of weather and the population.

Geoengineering distributes aerosolized aluminum, barium, biological elements, nanobots and more into our skies. Sprayed in the atmosphere from airplanes, these poisons effect our soils, water, air, plants, animals and us.

Many of the clouds in the sky are not natural. For at least 25 years artificial clouds have been created by secretive methods of weather modification engaged for multiple purposes.

The cover story of this is that it is just an idea being discussed as a possible way to combat global warming. However, this climate engineering has been quietly done for decades, increasing gradually, and is actually a major driver of anomalous weather events and earth change activities.

Other factors effecting climate change include arctic methane release due in part to geo-engineering, a warming trend throughout the solar system, significant shifting of the magnetic poles, and possibly the approach of another planet or group of bodies that come near on a long cycle. There is evidence of this in ancient writings as well as modern research that has been kept from the panic-prone public.

Weather modification utilizes the frequencies produced by HAARP technology to cause or intensify severe storms and droughts, reduce crops, destroy homes, move or eliminate segments of the population, hide the approach of a visitor planet, drum up climate change fear, and/or to control thinking.

This planetary climate engineering project has resulted in weather used as a weapon, while poisoning the populace to infiltrate our bodies with smart dust for monitoring and ultimately controlling us and our thoughts.

We must learn and work together to minimize the public poisons in our homes and the environment, detoxify the body and protect our health from these toxic influences. It is wise to get together with other concerned people and organize to survive and make things better.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, flower pollen extract, organic spirulina and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet to strengthen and maintain health. Key knowledge, detoxification, a full range of nutrients and protection from EMF fields are all crucial. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information.

geoengineering, aerosol, injection, toxic, environment, public, poisons, climate change


Pharmaceutical Mythology


About 2/3 of the U.S. population is on some type of routine pharma “medicine”. Drugs are rarely helpful at correcting the underlying condition as they suppress or redirect symptoms. Rather, many of them seriously interfere with proper biological functioning.

Most pharmaceutical medicines are a mix of chemical and biological components that include highly toxic ingredients. Pharmaceuticals, especially vaccines, are contaminated with heavy metals and other chemicals that poison the body. Many of the millions taking meds are on multiple prescriptions. As these are recycled in our water supply, nearly everyone is effected. These poisons create many more health problems and reduce intelligence.

The annual promotion of vaccinations for children and flu shots for all ages represents an intentional agenda of intelligence reduction and depopulation. The viruses, some of them genetically altered and some still living, as well as toxic metals and other chemicals in vaccines can impair brain function, create terrible health problems and shorten life.

Combining the medicines with the other public poisons, fluoride and chlorine added to our city water, toxic climate engineering aerosols being sprayed in the atmosphere, genetically modified crops (GMO) with the toxic glyphosate herbicide used with them, excessive radiation still streaming from Fukushima, Japan, and harmful frequencies of cell phones and wi-fi, all life on our planet is threatened by these overwhelming toxic influences. Is it any wonder that conditions such as autism, cancer, dementia, MS, Parkinson's and more are now so common?

We have been brainwashed by a mythology of medical treatment for ailments. That serves the worlds' elitists by keeping people less smart, distracting them by preoccupation with their health problems, and robbing them of their earnings to pay for what the trained and authorized professional pushers tell them they need.

Our health is really determined by what happens in the cells of the body. If they are deficient in nutrients, stressed and impaired by toxins, they cannot perform properly and health may be poor. If the cells have all that they need to produce energy, and not too much toxins and stress, health is likely to be good.

The keys of natural health are:

1) detoxify the toxins from poor digestion, imbalanced metabolism and public poisons, avoiding exposure as much as possible;

2) nourish the body with life supporting organic foods, super foods, organic milled flaxseed, high quality herbs, antioxidants, alkalization, extra oxygen and pure water;

3) relax stress and tension while cultivating a positive attitude of wellness;

4) exercise with aerobics that moves the lymph fluid and strengthen the heart, and fitness training.

Routine pharma meds will not make you healthy. On the contrary, they will make you less well, less able to be healthy in the future, and more likely to be dead before you would be without them!

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, flower pollen extract, organic spirulina and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet to strengthen and maintain health. Key knowledge, detoxification, a full range of nutrients and protection from EMF fields are all crucial. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information.

pharma, medicine, drugs, vaccine, vaccination, flu shot, wi-fi

Agnotology in Vaccines:


GMO Vaccines - Herd Contagion:


Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics:



Chemical City: Chlorine & Fluoride


Chlorine is a potent chemical that has been used in water treatment since the early 1900s to reduce germs in the water. Consuming it is a major factor in heart disease and cancer. Fluoride is a neurotoxin. Neither of these should be in the water, foods and medicines we consume, nor in the air we breathe.

Chlorine and fluoride are present in almost all city water in the USA, the water of about 66% of the population. Chlorine is justified as an antiseptic agent, but there is no benefit from fluoride. Both of these should be removed from the water before consumption with effective water purification.

Fluoridation of water has nothing to do with making water clean or safe. It is also used as a poison for rats, mice, insects, etc., but so much was generated as industrial waste they could not get rid of it all in those products. So it was fraudulently promoted for inclusion in public water supplies of most cities based on a falsified dental care myth.

Fluoride is a purposeful mass medication under the false pretense that it is good for the strength of tooth enamel. In fact it is not beneficial to teeth to drink fluoride. There may be a minor hardening result from topical application of it, but it is still poison, especially for children. It can actually make the teeth of some people mottled and brittle.

Toxic fluoride is also in most vaccines and many other medications, as well as in food products made with city water and in most toothpaste and mouthwash. It is also commonly in the coal fly ash used for geo-engineering aerosol sprays, as are other toxic metals including aluminum and radioactive barium. We breath in the dust of this stuff.

Fluoridation is a form of intentional mass poisoning with a toxic substance. It is a profitable way to get rid of waste from the fertilizer and bomb-making industries, and it generates more massive profits for the medical industry with all the illness it causes.

Fluoride harms the brain, lowering IQ by up to 10 points, according to a published Harvard University study. Additionally, fluoride reduces fertility. It is also a carcinogen, with higher cancer rates found in fluoridated cities. Further, fluoride exacerbates thyroid iodine deficiency, impairing metaboism, and hardens the pineal gland, blocking intuitive intelligence.

How much intelligence-reducing, pregnancy-preventing, cancer-causing fluoride have you consumed? How about its circulatory disease and cancer-causing sister poison, chlorine?

Chlorine and fluoride are two of the many public poisons in our lives. Raw tap water is a chemical cocktail that should not be consumed without purification. Harmful amounts of fluoride and chlorine are intentionally added to water by cities, along with other added chemicals and the agricultural, industrial, radioactive, “fracking”, biological and geo-engineering pollutants already contaminating the water.

It is important to purify water with special filtration or reverse osmosis to remove the chlorine, fluoride and other poisons. Filters for showering and bathing are also important. Avoid fluoride laden vaccines and medications if possible, and minimize outdoor activities on days of heavy Stratospheric Aerosol Injection spraying.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, flower pollen extract, organic spirulina and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet to strengthen and maintain health. Key knowledge, detoxification, a full range of nutrients and protection from EMF fields are all crucial. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information.

chlorine, fluoride, water, medicine, neurotoxin, intelligence, IQ, carcinogen, water purification











Our Toxic Environment


We have been unknowingly exposed to many environmental toxins most of our lives, small amounts from pollution and chemicals in food, water, air, home furnishings, household products, medicines and everywhere we are. There are thousands of such public poisons that negatively impact our health.

These toxic influences include chlorine and fluoride in city water, food additives, medicines, household chemicals, run-off from industry and agriculture, pesticides, herbicides, especially glyphosate, GMOs, radiation, fracking, injection wells, dumping of toxic waste into the ground and geo-engineering sprays of barium, aluminum and other noxious substances, including biological agents.

Some of these are difficult to avoid. Geo-engineering aerosol chemicals fill the skies multiple days a week, so we all breathe them and get them on us. Most people are now consuming GMOs, which are difficult to identify without labeling. These are not biologically compatible with humans or animals.

Mercury, fluoride, aluminum, aspartame, sodium laurel sulfate, propylene glycol, BPA and other estrogen mimickers, are some of the most common toxic ingredients hidden in compounds routinely used in or on the body. Among these are serious brain and nerve toxins that lower IQ, foster apathy and may bring on nervous system disorders or dementia. Others are hormone disrupters, fertility blockers or immune system depressors.

Our health is also eroded by electromagnetic frequencies (emf) from cell phones and wi-fi transmissions. The 5G being rolled out over the next few years will intensify the harm, and could kill many early. With the nanobot technology we are breathing in, 5G can also be used for greater thought control.

These poisons gradually accumulate and contribute to diminished mental ability and a variety of diseases. More and more people are coming to understand that we are being poisoned on purpose to weaken the immune system, electro-chemically alter the brain, limit fertility, undermine our health, facilitate mind control and lessen the population.

The incremental depopulation agenda has been a gradual extermination, feeding the coffers of the conglomerate's medical division, while draining the resources of the victims being phased out. The concern is that a forthcoming major deadly disaster is anticipated that would drastically reduce the numbers of people.

We must learn to minimize the public poisons in our homes and the environment, detoxify the body and protect our health from these toxic influences. It is wise to get together with other concerned people and organize for a better chance to survive.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, flower pollen extract, organic spirulina and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet to strengthen and maintain health. Key knowledge, detoxification, a full range of nutrients and protection from EMF fields are all crucial. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information.

 toxic, environment, public, poisons, fluoride, mercury, pesticides, herbicides, glyphosate, GMO


Whole Self Distress Control


A basic maxim of holistic natural health is that there is only one dis-ease, “distress of the organism”. Like a shaky three-legged stool that could easily tip over from imbalance, there are three interrelated aspects of this distress that can undermine health, either individually or more likely collectively. These are toxins, malnutrition and tension.

The concept of “holistic health” was developed in the 1970’s. Great improvement in well-being is achieved in attending to “whole self health“, understanding the effects of diet, pollution and stress as well as mental and emotional states on physical health and vice versa. Better health on every level of our being is the purpose of the holistic approach.

The real self is the center of our awareness and the individual agent of our holistic natural wisdom. That wisdom is enhanced by shared knowledge and experience. One’s true self can be the guide for the process of life improvement.

The distress disease can be countered by applying the four basic principles of the holistic natural health protocol: detoxify, nourish, relax and exercise. These can be pursued on all levels of the whole self, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of both the individual and society.

For example, detoxification needs to occur on the mental, emotional and etheric-spiritual levels as well as in the physical body. Similarly, nourishment is essential for all aspects of our nature to have a long well life. In addition to organic, mostly raw natural foods, a healthy attitude, creativity and good thoughts, such as loving kindness, are important.

At the same time, relaxing both tension and the concern for what stresses us leads to a calmer approach to life.

A review of past problems and traumas can be done with an attitude of acceptance of reality, forgiveness, learning and gratitude for improvement. This helps us move on to new experiences with less impairment from recycling our past disturbances.

Walking, hiking and biking outdoors, especially in nature, is holistic exercise that has mental, emotional and spiritual benefits. Yoga and other forms of contemplative exercise are beneficial as well.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information.

holistic, natural, health, problems, self, relax, detoxify, nourishment


Flax Seed - A Super Food With Multiple Benefits


The benefits of flax seed are becoming well known. It is one of the most beneficial foods there is. Flaxseed oil provides an important essential fatty acid, plus antioxidants, protein, minerals and good fiber.

The best way to get the oil, is to eat flax seeds with a high oil content. Extracted oil is often rancid and therefore not healthy to consume. There are no bad side effects of the whole flax seeds.

Flax oil is a key source of Omega 3 fatty acids that are important for good brain function and calm nerves and other body functions. Flax seed is also rich in a special class of antioxidants called lignans that help protect against many health problems, as well as high quality proteins, a variety of minerals and an ideal mix of both soluble and insoluble fiber that is appreciated for improved bowel elimination.

Our Northern Edge® flaxseed is certified organically-grown in a region of Canada that has been farmed by organic agriculture for over 35 years. 

The farmers there have perfected their growing, harvesting and storing methods to protect the cleanliness and quality of their flax seeds. Further, this is a rare section of North America that has no toxic metals in the soil, particularly cadmium which is high in almost all of the rest of the continent.

The cold climate and rich soil of this area of Canada cause the flax grown there to be much higher in oil (45%), particularly in Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA, Omega 3 source) than any other flax seed. About 60% of the oil content of Northern Edge® flax is ALA.

The special milling process used to mill Northern Edge® organic milled flaxseed leaves the valuable oil intact in the self-sealed pieces of seed. This premium flax seed is milled and packed into vacuum-sealed bags to protect it. It is far better than ground flax seed.

The oil, the antioxidant lignans and other beneficial nutrients are thoroughly protected from oxidation with our method, but they are available for easy digestion and use by the body for better health.

Two tablespoons per day of Northern Edge® organic milled flaxseed, sprinkled on or mixed with other foods, or just taken straight and washed down with water or juice, will provide an abundance of good nutrients and the many flax seed benefits for the body.

Flax Seed Benefits:

Alpha Linolenic Acid (Omega 3) ~ lignan antioxidants ~ excellent protein ~ absorbable minerals

ideal fiber for easier elimination ~ counters stress ~ reduces inflammation ~ increases IQ

"Wherever flax seed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health."

- Mahatma Gandhi

Northern Edge® Organic Milled Flaxseed:

~ “the best flax seed in the world”

~ grown organically for 35 years by excellent farmers

~ highest oil content, lowest heavy metal contaminants (no cadmium)

~ proprietary milling - cold-sliced in the dark

            ~ vacuum sealed freshness

flax seed, flax oil, omega 3, linolenic acid, lignans

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information.


Good Health Requires Cellular Nutrition


Our health is determined by what happens in the cells of the body. If they have all that they need to produce energy, and not too much toxins and stress, health will be good. However, the common commercial diet is not healthy.

The epidemic of degenerative diseases is due to poor nutrition, stress, public poisons, EMFs, and intended ignorance about all of this. To be healthy in unhealthy times depends on learning and pursuing good natural health practices.

IQ is estimated to have diminished by 10 to 20 points since the 1960‘s, fertility is a growing issue, health problems are increasing and average lifespan is now shortening. Digestive disorders, heart and circulatory problems, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, dementia, and worse effect more and more people.

The natural nutrients in good foods are in the ideal form for the body to digest, absorb, assimilate and utilize. However, mineral deficiency is common due to chemical agriculture and processed food products that do not have full nutrition to offer. This is a major reason for health problems.

Each of us needs to learn as much as we can about good natural health.

Proper nutrients in organic compounds from good foods grown on mineral rich soils and from effective supplements, are absolutely essential for the proper functioning of living organisms.

Every cell is a factory producing energy to do its other tasks, if it has all the nutrients it requires to accomplish the whole process, and is not damaged by free radical toxins.

Organically-grown produce is most desirable. It needs to be raised properly in soil that is refurbished with mineral-rich materials in a good balance and pH for healthy plant growth. Further, the organic field must be far enough from chemical agricultural fields and other sources of pollution to avoid blow-over of sprays, fallout of airborne poisons or contamination of the water supply.

Eating a variety of foods to get the whole range of needed nutrients is important. Still, extra nutrition is needed with the stress and pollution levels of our time.

Most commercial vitamin supplements are synthetic or crystalline in form. When a nutrient is extracted from its natural context or created with chemicals in lab, it has no life. There are no synergistic elements, no accompanying mineral compounds, no enzymes that catalyze metabolic activities. Food-based vitamins and food-form minerals are better utilized.

Consuming a variety of organically grown and wild super foods and herbs rich in certain beneficial nutrients will provide natural trace minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, pigments and other phytonutrients that are missing from most diet choices, yet crucially needed for restoring health and slowing the aging process.

If you have the opportunity to grow your own food, building soil rich in organic matter, minerals, healthy soil microbes and humic acids is the key to great success and the benefits of an abundance of good food.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding super foods and other natural health products and information.

natural, health, disease, public poisons, super foods, minerals, antioxidants


Weekend Cleanse


We are exposed to such an array of public poisons in our food, air, water, home, car, etc., it is crucial to detoxify every so often. Spring and Fall are the seasons of transition. These are good times for cleansing accumulated toxins.

Many people are being overwhelmed with public poisons, as well as self-toxification from poor food choices and trapped waste in the colon that is reabsorbed and recycled, irritating tissues and deteriorating organs. These toxins abusing the body are a major cause of distress and ill health.

Detoxification is crucial to be healthy. It is one of the four essential principles of natural health. The cells of the body need removal of toxins, intake of a large range of nutrients, with water and oxygen, exercise, plus relaxation of stress, to function well for good health. Detoxify, nourish, exercise, relax -- that is the natural health process.

A periodic weekend cleanse utilizing detoxifying agents, lymph movement and perspiration, with light eating, juicing or fasting, is helpful at lessening the load. A few of those plus a longer annual detox of a week or a month would be ideal.

Good fiber such as found in organic milled flax seed is valuable for colon cleansing. Peristaltic herbs may be used to move things along. Pure water, increased oxygen, and restoration of beneficial probiotic bacteria are important.

Activated charcoal, bentonite clay, kelp and aerobic exercise are valuable detox aids. Perspiration is an effective mode of elimination. A far infrared ray sauna is a safe means of sweating out toxins using a beneficial part of the light spectrum.

The liver must be fairly clean and healthy to do a good job of cleaning the blood. It is a complex organ keeping you living with multiple tasks in digestion, storage, metabolism and detoxification. A periodic herbal liver cleanse is part of the detox process, as well as supporting the lungs and kidneys.

Learn how to detoxify the body and protect yourself from all the toxic influences with routine natural health practices.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding natural health information and products.

detoxification, toxins, public poisons, cleansing, liver, flax seed, charcoal, clay, probiotics, infrared sauna


Holistic Natural Health


At the end of 1978, over 40 years ago, I completed and published Nutrition, Health and Harmony: A Handbook of Natural Health, which was among the popular books of the expanding natural health movement.

The information was new to most people then. Those of us into natural living, recycling, organic foods and gardening were considered eccentric by others. However, we were exhibiting a growing wisdom that continued in other modalities of holistic healing, that is still expanding today.

About 1/3 of the book was dedicated to introducing the holistic concept, also being referred to as "wholistic" at the time. "There is no separation of church and state in the human being. We are physio-psycho-spiritual beings; there are no dividing lines between these aspects of our nature."

Discussing the underlying "dis-ease" behind various health ailments, I wrote the following:

At the base of all illness is a spiritual poverty that is characterized by a feeling of contraction. It is a reaction to life that precedes thought. If we live this reaction, we never really live life as a full human being. We remain cramped up; we feel separate and unrelated. We seek release through experience. Our tense polluted bodies ultimately seek release through illness." - Nutrition, Health and Harmony, p. 54

Being toxic was considered the real disease by early natural health practitioners, which included the stress chemistry of adrenal hormones evoked by negative emotions, as well as junk food toxins and the growing list of other public poisons, greatly increasing the incidence of health problems.  

Before long I was using the more holistic term "distress of the organism" for the one dis-ease resulting in toxicity, tension, malnutrition and vulnerability to illness.

The resolution of illness is what I now call the "holistic natural health principles": detoxification, life supporting nutrition, exercise and relaxation, including both good sleep and spiritual contemplation. These four principles are the legs of a "stable table" of good health and holistic wellness.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding natural health information and products.  

holistic, natural, health, natural health, disease, illness, wellness, public poisons, super foods


Acid-Alkaline Balance and Food Combining


The acid-alkaline balance of the body is a crucial consideration in health. Illness usually develops in an unhealthy, overly acidic body. There are many factors that can contribute to acidity.

Toxins usually are acidic, with an extra positively charged proton. Unstable protons are free radical ions seeking a mate. Excess protons need to be countered with available negative electrons. Antioxidants provide electrons that can stabilize free radical toxins.

Poor digestion is often a source of an imbalance in pH. Each food item has a certain ideal acid-alkaline balance in the stomach and specific enzymes for its proper digestion. Each digestive enzyme has its own properties and limitations. Eating anything anytime, as with the conglomerated meals most people consume, complicates the process.

For example, proteins need a more acidic environment in the stomach for the enzyme pepsin to work well. However, the enzymes for starches are diminished by acids. So eating meat and/or cheese with bread and/or potatoes, results in a mix of digestive juices that is not right for any of those foods.

Undigested proteins putrefy and undigested starches ferment as they proceed through the digestive tract. These glue-like sticky foods can build up residues along the walls of the colon. The spoiling materials give off gases that can stretch and weaken bowel muscles, as well as toxins that can irritate tissues, possibly evoking mucus production adding to the accumulation.

Stress and anxiety create acid body fluids. The waste byproducts of many of the foods that are commonly eaten are acidic. With all the public poisons in our lives, most of us are toxic.

An overly acidic body is unhealthy. The immune system is weakened, there is more free radical damage and greater susceptibility to cancer and other degenerative disease when the body is too acid.

You can easily test your urine and saliva with pH strips to determine the status of acid/alkaline balance. According to Dr. Carrie Rheams, the ideal urine-saliva pH reading is 6.4-6.6, slightly acid. Others say 1st morning saliva should be 7.

The blood pH of 7.35-7.45 is absolutely critical, and the body will take from other tissues what calcium and other minerals are needed to maintain that range, especially from the bones.

There has been a trend of people learning more about the importance of alkalization. Various means are used to become more alkaline.

Relaxing, detoxifying and choosing alkaline-forming foods and minerals will help improve the body’s pH. Most fruits, vegetables and herbs are alkaline-forming as an end result of metabolism, as are better forms of calcium and other mineral supplements. Meats, dairy, wheat and most other grains, beans are acidifying. So are coffee, soda pop, beer, wine and sugar.

There is some early evidence that a diet low in acid-producing foods like animal protein (such as meat and cheese) and bread, and instead high in fruits and veggies could help prevent kidney stones, keep bones and muscles strong, and help with many other ailments.  

Most of the chemicals added to public water are acidic and positively charged. If one uses reverse osmosis to purify the water, it removes the chemicals, but this process removes minerals also, lowering the pH of the water even more.

It is important to re-mineralize RO water or distilled water to alkalize It. Consuming water alkalized with minerals will gradually raise total pH. On the other hand, alkalizing should not be done to an extreme.

 The re-mineralizing alkalizer cartridge from waterus.com contains calcium and magnesium carbonates to restore both mineral value and alkalinity to the water, as well as infrared energy for additional health benefits. This is a safer and healthier way to correct water pH, which will help in maintaining the alkalinity of the blood.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding natural health information and products.

food combining, digestion, acid, alkaline, alkalize, re-mineralize, pH, calcium


Getting Your Garden Ready


Spring is about to spring out! It is time in the northern hemisphere for planning a garden, preparing to plant many vegetable seeds and plants.

The items to grow, obtaining the seeds needed, and the plans for soil building and layout, are all considerations. Types of vegetables include leaves (lettuce, kale), flowers (broccoli, cauliflower), heads (cabbage, brussell sprouts), stalks (celery), roots (carrots, beets, yams, radishes, turnips) and fruits (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, beans).

Planting styles vary between directly in the ground, raised beds and containers (pots, buckets, window boxes). Testing the soil, at least for pH, is wise. Besides organic matter, minerals may need to be added to provide good nutrition. Balancing the pH may take time.

The quantity, quality, variety and balance of minerals, microbes and worms in the soil our food grows in, have a great bearing on our health and longevity. Feed the soil properly with well-composted matter and minerals for a healthy organic garden. Kelp sea vegetation and wood ashes are good sources of organic minerals.

Begin with sprouting seeds indoors for a head start on plants that should not be outside until past the likelihood of frost. Select non-GMO heirloom seeds to sow or start plants. GMO and highly processed food products harm health and engender disease.

Plant items soon that can start well in little peat pots, egg cartons, etc., such as lettuce, radishes, kale and other crops that prefer it a little cooler.

When the ground is workable, you can prepare it for planting. Most plants could also be in soil in containers that can then be placed outside in an ideal location when the time comes, or you can grow many items in straw bales.

With straw bales, raised beds or container gardening, some plants can also be started early by using a tarp, a tent, a cold frame, a shed with windows or a greenhouse. Containers could be brought insider if there is a threat of frost overnight.

You can get a good jump on the growing season and extend the end of it. With heating, some crops can even be done in winter weather. Of course, sprouts of beans, alfalfa seeds, etc. can be grown in the kitchen year round.

Fresh organically grown vegetables, herbs and other natural foods and super foods rich in minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and other phytonutrient compounds are the essential selections for eating wisely and building good health.

On the brink of potential disruptions that could interfere with the food distribution system, growing your own organic food is now essential. Plan to save food and seeds for the future, while researching and applying permaculture concepts.

At this time when survival could depend on our skills of growing and preserving food and accessing and purifying water, cooperative preparedness in a community support system is very important.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding natural health information and products.


garden, natural foods, organic, vegetables, seeds, soil, compost, permaculture, gardening, preparedness


How to Eat for Better Nutrition


The promotion of food as commercial products has encouraged eating for taste and pleasure. The understanding of nutrition has been an afterthought for most. Widespread obesity and many other health problems are the clear indicators of this.

You are likely to be eating more than you need to eat, especially if the food is not so good.

The long-lived healthy people of the world are almost all slender with an active lifestyle, even in their older years. They eat mostly fruits and garden fresh vegetables, with modest amounts of animal source foods and grains. They drink natural water, free of added chemicals. They do a lot of walking and many chores around home such as gardening and carrying water.

Overeating clogs the system, especially the heavier cooked animal proteins and fats. Sugar and refined starches are low-grade, unhealthy products. Food sources should be high quality, organically-grown, minimally cooked, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, with small amounts of meat or eggs if desired.

Milk, cheese and other dairy foods are not suitable for regular human consumption. Cow's milk is for supporting the growth of a half-ton or greater animal. No mammal continues eating nature's baby food as adults, except humans.

Our meals should be simple and modest. If you feel "stuffed" after eating, you probably ate far more than needed. Eat when hungry, and as little as possible of good things. Food may be hard to come by at some point. Start training by getting by on less of it. Chewing slowly and thoroughly, the hunger signal is likely to dissipate more rapidly, with less eaten.

60% to 80% of the diet should alkaline-forming foods, depending on the season. 75% or more should be raw. "There is no such thing as a 'good hot meal'."

Some combinations of food impair digestion, with less nutrients derived from the food. Proteins and starches are not compatible, so "meat and potatoes" or most sandwiches are not very good. Fruits are best eaten apart from other foods, especially melons, or the juices ferment in your system.

Super foods like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding natural health information and products.

nutrition, nutrients, deficiency, natural, organic, super foods, raw, flax, herbs, pollen


Eating for Health


Why do you eat? Because it's mealtime on the clock or because you are hungry? What do you eat? The items you were raised to think you should eat, or the foods, snacks and beverages that taste good to you?

How much of the population is stuck in the "balanced meal" notion of meat, potatoes, bread, a cooked vegetable, a small side salad, milk, coffee, soft drink and/or alcohol, and maybe dessert? Most restaurants, banquets and hosted dinners still follow that model.

But most people also express the programmed mindset of celebrating or consoling themselves with sweet or salty fat snacks and treats.

Too much fat, too much starch and sugar, too much protein, and too much cooking!

        From Wikipedia:

The United States Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs was a select committee of the United States Senate between 1968 and 1977. It was sometimes referred to as the McGovern committee, after its only chairman, Senator George McGovern of South Dakota. 

In January 1977, after having held hearings on the national diet, the McGovern committee issued a new set of nutritional guidelines for Americans that sought to combat leading killer conditions such as heart disease, certain cancers, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and arteriosclerosis.[2][10][11] Titled Dietary Goals for the United States, but also known as the "McGovern Report",[10] they suggested that Americans eat less fat, less cholesterol, less refined and processed sugars, and more complex carbohydrates and fiber.[11] (Indeed, it was the McGovern report that first used the term complex carbohydrate, denoting "fruit, vegetables and whole-grains".[12]) The recommended way of accomplishing this was to eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and less high-fat meat, eggs, and dairy products.[2][11]

Deficient soils, low nutrition crops, processed food products with sugar and additives, applying fire to most foods, overeating, poor food combining, and poor digestion, absorption and assimilation -- no wonder nutritional deficiency and degenerative disease are epidemic.

I suggest eating primarily fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and sprouts, going light on animal source proteins and fats, as well as grains, legumes, nightshades and especially refined carbohydrates. Add tumeric and/or cinammon when appropriate for antioxidants, and a little Himalayan or Celtic salt for minerals.

Super foods, like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding natural health information and products.

nutrients, nutritional, deficiency, natural, organic, super foods, flax, herbs, pollen


Judging Quality of Nutritional Supplements


Nutritional supplements, like most other products, are sold in a commercial environment driven by a profit motive. The greed factor often leads to lower cost ingredients being used, which may not provide as much health support as nutrients that are better absorbed and utilized.

Nutritional deficiencies may be caused or worsened by poor digestion, absorption, assimilation or utilization of nutrients. Supplementation of vitamins, minerals, protein concentrates and other nutrients is frequently represented to us as indispensable in a world of stress, pollution and devalued commercial foods.

However, mega-doses of vitamins and minerals are not healthy. Ingesting large amounts is wasteful and may be harmful.

Synthesized and crystalline vitamins are not as compatible with the body. Inorganic minerals are not well used. These are not identical with the nutrients in a food. There is life force in a plant. There are living enzymes and other organic mineral compounds and trace elements that are synergistic. The nutrients work together for  the cell to make energy, be healthy and function well.

This full natural nutrition cannot be fabricated in a lab. Synthetic vitamins may come from coal or petroleum sources. Most crystalline vitamins are extracted from plants, but by chemical or heat processes to isolate a nutrient so its quantity can be measured.

Inorganic minerals are not well-recognized and used by the body. They can form deposits and/or interfere with metabolism. Cheap filler components like di-calcium phosphate can become a problem with long term daily intake.

The chain of nutrition is only as strong as its weakest link. Taking high potencies of some nutrients exaggerates the difference in levels with others. The Krebs cycle of cellular energy production operates on the "Law of the Minimum".

A truly natural supplement would be whole, raw, unadulterated super foods, concentrated by low heat dehydration. It would be live food with enzymes, antioxidants and other phytonutrients active. Examples are cereal grasses, edible algae and special fruits, seeds, herbs and pollen. This with high quality organic foods serves recovery and maintenance of good health.

Super foods, like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding natural health information and products.

nutrients, natural, organic, vitamins, minerals, super foods, herbs, pollen


Nutrients in Foods and Supplements


The natural nutrients in foods are in the ideal form for the body to digest, absorb, assimilate and utilize. However, the agricultural soils have become deficient, so commercial foods do not have full nutrition to offer.

Organically grown produce is most desirable. It needs to be raised properly in soil that is refurbished with mineral-rich materials in a good balance and pH for healthy plant growth. Further, the organic field must be far enough from chemical agricultural fields and other sources of pollution to avoid blow-over of sprays, fallout of airborne poisons or contamination of the water supply.

Eating a variety of foods to get the whole range of needed nutrients is important. Still, extra nutrition is needed with the stress and pollution levels of our time. Food-based vitamins and food-form minerals are better utilized.

Most commercial vitamin supplements are synthetic or crystalline in form. When a nutrient is extracted from its natural context or created with chemicals, it has no life. There are no synergistic elements, no accompanying mineral compounds, no enzymes that catalyze metabolic activities.

The first choice in supplemental nutrition is super foods rich in certain beneficial nutrients and compounds that are not as prevalent in other food items.

Super foods, like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding natural health information and products.

nutrients, natural, organic, vitamins, minerals, super foods, herbs


What to Avoid


Most people are unaware and do not realize that harmful public poisons are hidden throughout our living environment. Our brains and our overall health are being weakened by multiple attacks on us. We need to learn what to avoid.

Public poisons are chemical additives to food, water, beverages and household products, and sometimes even injected into the body. These include fluoride, chlorine, aspartame, GMOs, glyphosate, vaccinations, pharmaceutical drugs and more.

Other long time sources of public poisons are pollution from industry, machinery, vehicles, agricultural chemicals, livestock waste, water treatment, radiation, electromagnetic frequency fields, geo-engineering aerosol sprays, coal fly ash, aluminum and plastics, and from processed foods, sugar, wheat flour, margarine, rancid fats, trans fats, conventional produce, meats and dairy.

We must learn about these toxic influences gradually undermining us, and do what we can to minimize our exposure, while strongly supporting ourselves with natural health.

Super foods and herbs are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Northern Edge organic milled flaxseed, Delicious Greens super food mix, with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants plus enzymes, pigments, minerals and trace nutrients, plus our unique flower pollen extract, are all excellent. Pure water is essential as well.

Super foods, like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding natural health information and products.

vaccination, flu shot, public poisons, fluoride, GMO, EMF, natural health


What to Eat


One of the pillars of good health is eating natural foods. Organically grown whole foods and super foods are the essential selections for eating wisely and building good health.

Protein, carbohydrates, fats and fiber are emphasized by diet authorities, with warnings about salt, fats and cholesterol.

Conventional thinking focuses on the “balanced diet” food groups of proteins (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, beans, peas), dairy, grains, fruits and vegetables. Few people have been well taught in their upbringing about even this degree of consideration about what to eat.

Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, pigments, phytonutrients and antioxidants are given minimal attention. Is it assumed that all these will be present in commercial food at the supermarket? Even the store fruits and vegetables rarely contain adequate quantities of these needed nutrients.

Antioxidants, special nutrient compounds that counter damaging free radicals, are needed daily. An antioxidant donates an available electron to a free radical molecule that is missing one. Otherwise it zings around the body searching for and stealing an electron from body tissue, creating another free radical that does more damage, a usual aspect of degenerative disease.

Deficiency of minerals is common due to chemical agriculture. These building blocks of almost everything are essential to the health of living organisms. Minerals are normally restored to soil with organic farming. Choose organically grown foods whenever possible.

Super foods, like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding natural health information and products.

natural, health, natural health, natural foods, organic, nutrition, super foods, herbs, flax seed, pure water


Nutrition, Health and Harmony


40 years ago at the end of 1978, my first book was published with the title Nutrition, Health and Harmony: A Handbook of Natural Health. This concise book was part of the early natural health movement. It sold thousands of copies, packed with lots of information I had gathered since being introduced to awareness of natural vs. processed foods a decade earlier as a very young adult.

I had been doing research and holding natural health seminars locally, then expanded to speaking at various regional and national holistic health and lifestyle conferences. After learning additional holistic health analysis and restoration methods, I engaged in personal health improvement consultations for many years. For a few years I consulted with patients at a major holistic chiropractic practice.

The basis for my later clarification of the “natural health principles” was in the Nutrition, Health and Harmony book. Most of the information in it is relevant and still valuable today. We will review much of this over the next several natural health programs.

Key knowledge of natural health is crucial for improving health and intelligence with the challenges we are facing. Detoxification, nutrition with super foods, antioxidants and herbs, relaxation and exercise are the “natural health principles“, to be creatively pursued with a good attitude!

Protection from public poisons and EMF fields is also needed. Learn, plan and prepare with friends and neighbors to take care of our families and make our living environment safer.

Super foods, like Northern Edge organic milled flax seed, Delicious Greens with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidants per serving, organic spirulina, flower pollen extract and herbs, are very important to be added to the diet for the minerals and phytonutrient compounds they provide. Please visit ReallyWell.com for outstanding natural health information and products.

natural, health, holistic, nutrition, detoxification, super foods, public poisons


Help Your Immune System


With the health challenges of winter and the "cold and flu season", and a new crop of reports about outbreaks of severe infectious agents, a healthy immune system is very important. Resistance is essential!

However, our overall health is being weakened by the diet and lifestyle that has been presented as normal and promoted commercially, the toxic medical offerings for any health threat from infection to cancer, and all the other public poisons, including geo-engineering sprays and electromagnetic fields.

The threat of a pandemic is constantly present. Flu, avian flu, swine flu, chronic fatigue, contagious Lyme disease, Ebola, HIV, TB, MRSA, yeast, mycoplasma and more are circulating. Several of these are bio-weapons developed to serve the elite agenda of reducing population.

It would be wise to respect quarantines, while avoiding vaccinations and hospitals, which are contaminated with toxic chemicals as well as rogue viruses and bacteria.

Stress, toxins, and poor nutrition cause “distress of the organism“, the real disease. The wisdom of the holistic natural health principles -- relax, detox, nourish and exercise -- can strengthen the immune system and restore health.

We need to learn as much as we can about taking care of ourselves, and to gather the resources to do so.

A powerful natural health formula for help against infection is called “Immune Stimulator”. It is a combination of natural substances, including beta glucans, colostrum and mushrooms, that substantially strengthen the body’s natural defenses. We also have an advanced silver at ReallyWell.com more effective than other silver, reaching deeper to counter invaders.

Additional help for the immune system includes antioxidants, oxygen, enzymes, larrea, oregano oil, minerals and various probiotics, as well as super foods, fresh organically grown produce and pure water.

immune system, bacteria, viruses, yeast, silver, oregano oil, probiotics


Consideration of Vaccination


Vaccination can be a controversial subject. The medical profession is compelled to advocate it strongly. “Have you (or your children) been vaccinated?” “Have you gotten your flu shot?”

Most of the population has been convinced to accept the idea of medical immunization, especially of children, as both necessary and required. What is the real motive of the annual promotion of childhood vaccinations for school and flu shots for all ages?

As with other pharmaceutical products, “immunization” is heavily promoted for profit as well as other purposes, even though it is a toxic shock to the body. More than 2/3 of the U.S. population is on some type of pharmaceutical drug, because the medical industry has been given such authority over the health decisions of most people.

The cabal of powers-that-be want to make vaccinations compulsory, and have already done it in California. Some viruses and vaccines have been engineered on purpose for population reduction by reduced fertility and early death.

Children are pumped with vaccines from infancy, which often contain both living and dead viruses, some of them genetically altered. These formulations also usually have in them the toxic metals mercury and aluminum, and other chemical poisons that can reduce intelligence, create terrible health problems like autism and shorten life.

Mind numbing, cancer causing fluoride is in nearly all vaccines. It has also has been in most public water supplies in the U.S. for over 60 years, and is in many dental products and dental procedures.

All this poisoning is part of an agenda developed by the elitist powers that want a less intelligent, health-challenged and ultimately smaller population, while making profits for their tyrannical medical operation. The few at the top of the pyramid of power are so rich that they care more about getting rid of masses, and full control of the remainder, than profit.

In my opinion it is wise to avoid the ill-informed practice of vaccination. Learn to support the immune system instead.

Key knowledge, detoxification and a natural lifestyle are crucial to better health and intelligence with the depopulation challenges we are facing. Antioxidants, super foods, herbs, essential oils, minerals, other natural nutrients are very valuable.

vaccination, flu shot, immunization, viruses, vaccine, autism, detoxification


New 6 Banger Vaccine:


Dr. William Thompson Confesses CDC Vaccine Fraud:


Agnotology in Vaccines:


Ebola Bioweapon:


GMO Vaccines - Herd Contagion:


Flu Vaccine is Most Dangerous:


Enlightened Doctors Expose Big Pharma;



Is Your Food Poisoning You?


Many of the food items most commonly eaten contain compounds that cause trouble. These include poisons added in growing and processing, as well as naturally-occurring anti-nutrients that may impair digestion and metabolism or foster inflammation.

Organophosphates, organochlorines, neonicotinoids and sulfoximines are common classes of agricultural chemicals, public poisons in our food supply and environment, and there are still more herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers. Glyphosate weed killer used with most GMO crops and many others, is toxifying nearly all of us.

The additives to prepared foods: binders, fillers, sweeteners, flavors, enhancers, conditioners, colors, preservatives and more, are not added for health reasons. For example, aspartame artificial sweetener is toxic to the brain, lessening intelligence and clouding thinking.

Anti-nutrients in the crops by nature include acids, enzyme inhibitors and proteins that are not easily digested. They can generate digestive distress, weight problems and inflammation, among other ailments.

Phytic acid is present in grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. It reduces digestive enzyme effectiveness and lessens absorption of key minerals, including iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and copper. Tannins and oxalates are other acid derived nutrient blockers in common foods.

Gluten is a protein in wheat, rye and barley that is very difficult to digest. It also inhibits enzymes and causes many problems in the digestive tract, including leaky gut. Allergies, headaches, joint pain and mental cloudiness are common reactions to gluten. Breads, pizza, pasta, pastries and such are best avoided.

Lectins are generally sticky proteins in legumes, nuts, seeds, grains and nightshades, as well as in meats, eggs and dairy products from grain-fed animals. Lectins do not digest well, and create gas and indigestion. They coat food particles, reducing nutrient absorption, and also stick to, penetrate and erode the intestinal lining, causing leaky gut and many allergies and other health problems. Soybeans, peanuts, tree nuts, eggplant and wheat are especially high in lectins.

Other anti-nutrients include saponins, similar to lectins in sources and effects, solanine in nightshades, and isoflavones, phytoestrogen compounds found especially in soybeans, that disrupt hormone balance.

Consider a diet of mostly organic fruits, seeds and vegetables, with minimal nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant, tobacco). If you soak beans, nuts, seeds and grains before consumption, sprouting or fermenting whenever possible, most of the problems of anti-nutrients can be avoided. Otherwise minimize consumption of legumes and grains.

Take advantage of the benefits of probiotics and enzymes for better digestion and metabolism, as well as minerals and super foods. Organic milled flaxseed can reduce inflammation and soothe the intestines.

public poisons, digestion, enzymes, anti-nutrients, phytic acid, gluten, lectins


Better Natural Health


Although great strides have been made in the last 40 years, in assessing where we are in the restoration of the knowledge of natural health, it is obvious from the growth of hospitals and pharmacies that many people still have much to learn.

We have been unknowingly exposed to many public poisons most of our lives. Our health is eroded by small doses of toxins from pollution and chemicals used in agriculture, industry, medicine, food, water and household products, as well as electromagnetic frequencies (emf) from cell phones and wifi transmissions and geo-engineering sprays in the air. These are contributing to diminished mental ability and degenerative diseases.

Public Poisons:




estrogen mimickers





pharma medicines & vaccines

EMFs + RFs


micro-plastic dust


industrial and fracking wastes

More and more people are coming to understand that this attack is intentional. The cabal of world corporate controllers have an agenda to lower the intelligence, shorten the lives and reduce the numbers of the masses, while feeding the coffers of their medical industry.

We need to learn about what harms us and the natural ways of supporting better health.

The key principles of natural health are: 1) relax stress and tension while cultivating a positive attitude of wellness; 2) detoxify the toxins from poor digestion, imbalanced metabolism and public poisons, avoiding exposure as much as possible; 3) nourish the body with life supporting organic foods, super foods and pure water; and 4) exercise.

Organically grown natural foods rich in antioxidants and enzymes are the essential selections for eating wisely and building good health. Especially valuable choices are seeds, sprouts and a combination of fresh produce items, ideally from one’s own garden. GMO and highly processed food products harm health and engender disease.

Organically grown seeds, such as amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, alfalfa, beans, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and milled flaxseed are very valuable “embryonic foods. Probiotics and other support for the immune system and pure water are important as well.

Minerals are essential to the health of living organisms. Deficiency of minerals is common due to chemical agriculture. Minerals are normally restored to soil with organic farming. Choose organically grown food whenever possible.

Growing food for your household is wise, especially organically grown plants from non GMO, heirloom seeds. Plan your garden now and obtain heirloom seeds and the soil building materials to grow good food. Meanwhile, you can grow sprouts, lettuce and other crops indoors, or in a cold frame or a greenhouse, even in winter.

Super foods like organic milled flax seed, flower pollen extract and Delicious Greens 8000 offer a great variety of minerals and other needed nutrients in easily utilized food form. North Atlantic kelp is an excellent source of trace minerals, including iodine that is essential for the thyroid and the immune system.

Each of us needs to learn as much as we can about natural health and to gather the supplies to do so. Form a mutual support group to help each other with gardening, preparing foods for storage and other aspects of self-sustenance and survival.

public poisons, fluoride, GMO, EMF, natural health, nutrients, super foods


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Nutrition, Health and Harmony

A 40 Year-Old Classic by Jon David Miller

In 1978, over 40 years ago, I completed and published Nutrition, Health and Harmony, which was among the popular books of the expanding natural health movement.

The information was new to most people then. Those of us into natural living, recycling, organic foods and gardening were considered eccentric by others. However, we were exhibiting a growing wisdom that continued in other modalities of holistic healing.

Nutrition, Health and Harmony: A Handbook of Natural Health exposes many denatured foods and public poisons. It explains the principles of natural health, and suggests good nutrition and health practices.

A free copy is being included with anyone's first order over $25 in product value (not including shipping) of super foods items sent from our office. This will continue as long as our supply lasts. Only one book is intended per customer.



The World's Finest Organic Flax Seed


Super Foods: Flax, Greens, Spirulina, Pollen + More


Superior Home Water Purification



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